March 30

1988 - Michael Jackson won the Best Single, Male and Album Of The Year, Male categories at the second annual Soul Train Music Awards. 


Doris Day Music Award
On this day,March 30,1996 - Michael Jackson is presented with the 1995 Doris Day Music Award at the 10th annual Genesis Awards . He gets this award for the "Earth Song" video, which draws attention to the plight of the animals. Founded by the Ark Trust in 1986, the awards honor individuals in the major-media and artistic communities who, according to the Trust, have "communicated animal rights and animal welfare issues with courage, artistry and integrity." Presented by The Humane Society of the United States, the awards show takes place every March in California.

Source: Esh Sundar

On this day, March 30, 2004 - Michael Jackson arrived in Capitol Hill in Washington, DC as a guest of congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee. to discuss with members of Congress his commitment to fighting the epidemic of AIDS in Africa. He met privately with several members of the US Congress in the office of Republican Chaka-Fattah, D-Pa.
Michael read a statement touching on his humanitarian efforts in the battle against AIDS. He says: "I know that many of you will continue to raise awareness and will continue to fight for funding in Africa. I want you to know I will do whatever I can to assist you in that fight."

Fattah commented: "We were happy to have a chance to spend some brief moments to talk to one of the leading celebrities in the world that has used their celebrity status to help other people,particularly ... the millions of people on the continent of Africa who are suffering with the most devastating disease known to mankind."

Michael also met for a second day with Washington legislators to continue his discussion on garnering more support for the fight against AIDS in Africa. A crowd of fans gather and voice their support for Michael as he enters the Capitol Hill office.

Source: Esh Sundar 

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